Robot functions and settings of Guanxin Injection Molding Machines running Techmation controller. This section will introduce the processes and how to set the auto robot on the machine.

Robot functions and settings of Injection Molding Machines

Press the Manual key Manual-operation-key-injection-molding-machine to activate the Manual mode Manual-mode-plastic-injection-molding-machines. Switch the HMI display to the Others setting screen by pressing F5 F5-Fuction-techmation-PLC-controller-plastic-molding-machines ejector then F3F3-Function-techmation PLC controller injection molding machine function which is used according to the equipment of the machine.(If there is no robot equipment then this function screen will not exists)

f3-Robot-functions-and-settings-of-Guanxing-machinery-Injection-Molding-Machines_Robot functions and settings of Injection Molding Machines

Auto Power Door mode: Press drop-down buttondrop-down-button-injection-machine-controlling-pannel to enter the selection mode. After charging, the power door will open automatically. But before next cycle, you have to press the button to close the door to activate the next cycle. If this function is disabled, the safety door will not close or open automatically, even under the Manual operation mode.

Warning-Sign-error-code-injection-molding-machine_Robot functions and settings of Injection Molding MachinesWarning: When operating large size machine,you need more strength to open the power door.

Next, press drop-down buttondrop-down-button-injection-machine-controlling-pannel to enter the Robot mode, robot can be used to pick the final molding parts out of mold.

After set all parameters, please try to test all the presets under Manual mode Manual-mode-plastic-injection-molding-machines if they are satisfied according to your requirements. If you have any problems during the operation, please press Manual key Manual-operation-key-injection-molding-machine to stop the machine from an emergency stop.

Feel free to contact us if you still have any problems with the auto Robot functions and settings of Injection Molding Machines.